Policies &
The DXZone provides
this directory as a service to the Internet Radio Community.
Every effort will be made to protect the directory from abuse.
This list will not be sold or made available to other organizations.
It is possible for the webmaster to send mass email messages
to the members of a database. He may choose occasionally to send
you a message about new features of this directory or of "DXZone"
web site. By asking to be listed here, you agree to be the recipient
of any such messages he choose to send. You may remove yourself
from the directory at any time. Finally, effort will be made
to keep this information up to date and accurate, but he cannot
assume responsibility for its accuracy or usefulness in any way.
Te Webmaster can assume no responsibility for how the information is used
by those who access it via the web site. No guarantee is made
concerning the continuance of this service. Your use of this service
implies that you accept the risks of publishing your information
on the Web according to the terms stated.