Ham Radio HF Digital modesA complete overview of modern digital HF radio operating modes: PACTOR AMTOR GTOR CLOVER RTTY PSK31 HELLSCHREIBER PACKET MT63 MFSK16 THROB.
Modern digital operating modes An overview of modern digital HF radio operating modes, written by Richard B Griffin NB6Z. In his pages Richard try to explain based on his own experience the origins and operating techniques of the modern emissions modes that are nowadays possible in the ham radio. "Thanks to the generosity of radio hams with programming knowledge, and to the World Wide Web, new and powerful communications tools are available to all hams" Richard dedicate a single page to each digital mode, describing the main features and some practical aspects on operating modes. Digital modes that are reviewed are: Hell modes, PSK31, Rtty, MFSK16, Pactor, Amtor, Packet, G-Tor, MT63, Throb, PactorII/III, Clover. As value added to the text descriptions of the modes, you will find also some interesting sounds recording representing audio patterns of Pactor, Clover, G-Tor, Amtor, PactorII, Field Hell, PSK31, Rtty and Packet, a glossary for technical terms and a short reference for frequencies used for digital emissions. Design is very basic, and use a framed design, but offers also a non framed access. This site is a subset of NB6Z website that can be accessed by a link on the left frame menu.
Category: Operating Modes/PSK31
Listed on since 2002-02-23 Hits : 13677 , Rating : 8.42 , Votes : 352
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