
Understanding radio wave propagation

Radio wave propagation has always been one of the most fascinating topics among the amateur radio enthusiasts. Talking about propagation implies also discuss about other arguments directly related to the space, to the astronomy and more in the specific to the Solar Terrestrial Activity , the Sun and the Solar cycle. The Solar Activity, affecting radio communications,  is widely treated on the internet either by hams but also by scientist sites.

Solar Cycle on the web

With this first article dedicated to radio wave propagation, we start reviewing some of the most popular web sites and resources listed in our directory, that can help you to better understand the role of the Sun in radio communications, starting for example to understand the Solar Activity and how it influence propagation.

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Many links listed in our directory are user contributed. If you think we miss some links, suggest us a website dedicated to Solar Cycle, feel free to submit your link.

Solar Cycle in YouTube

There are several YouTube videos about Solar Cycle. We selected five videos from our Solar Cycle PlayList we consider the most complete, and interesting from the amateur radio prospective

Solar Cycle

NASA – Solar Activity explained. The number of sunspots increases and decreases over time in a regular, approximately 11-year cycle, called the sunspot cycle.

Solar Cycle 24 – Observe Sunspots

This video demonstrates some methods for safely viewing events on the surface of the sun.

Solar Cycle & Social Networks

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We are planning more articles like this, related to the radio wave propagation in the coming weeks, and we are open to suggestions and contributions.

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The DXZone merges amateur radio and Internet, since early internet days. Established in 1996 as a radio-related-mailinglist, has registered its domain name in 1998. Main goal is to review and promote ham-radio web sites, classifying them in categories. The DXZone is managed by ham radio operators with ham radio operators in mind.

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