Ham Radio Go Box

Ham radio Go-kits

as defined by N1RFD

A Communications Go-Kit (or Radio-Ready-Kit) is made up of a portable “Amateur radio” station and assorted personal gear that can quickly be assembled to respond to a “Call To Service”

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The DXZone merges amateur radio and Internet, since early internet days. Established in 1996 as a radio-related-mailinglist, has registered its domain name in 1998. Main goal is to review and promote ham-radio web sites, classifying them in categories. The DXZone is managed by ham radio operators with ham radio operators in mind.


  1. I like the 25 mm ammo can arrangement. I would possibly have gone with some Lipo batteries though simply for the higher power density. Not sure how those will compare with an SLA for cold temps though. A little work on layout might leave room for a linear amp as well, the switch panel IMOP requires more room as it is and might work better if sized down some. . This setup seems more practical than the tool box unit. This setup could nicely be made to slide under or above a dash or someplace else and still be a go box radio. I think it would work real nice with a DIY radio kit too. I’m looking into HAM kits and as soon as I can afford it, I plan on building something like this. I was wondering what I could use for a box and now I know.

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