Acom 1010

160m-10m 800W RF Power Amplifier


acomThe latest ACOM1010, budget 160-10m small and lightweight linear amplifier, for fixed or DXpedition and Field Day operations.


  • Frequency Coverage: All amateur bands in the 1.8-29.7MHz frequency range;
  • Power Output: 700 W PEP or 500 W continuous carrier.
  • Intermodulation Distortion: Better than 35 dB below rated output.
  • Hum and noise: Better than 40 dB below rated output.
  • Harmonic Output Suppression: Better than 50 dB below rated output.
  • Input and Output Impedances:
    • nominal value: 50 Ohm unbalanced, UHF (SO239) type connectors;
    • input circuit: broadband, VSWR less than 1.3:1, 1.8-30MHz continuously (no tunings, no switching)
    • Bypass path VSWR less than 1.1:1, 1.8-30MHz continuously, 200 W maximum;

Easy operation.

The plate-load True Resistance Indicator (TRI) is an ACOM innovation that provides quick and precise tuning, typically in less than 10 seconds. The auto-operate function will return the amplifier to the OPERATE mode automatically after each protection trip, saving time and avoiding manual switching.

No tuner needed.

No external antenna tuner is required as long as the antenna VSWR is 3:1 or lower. The amplifier will perform the functions of an antenna tuner, enabling you to change antennas faster and use them over wide frequency ranges.

A durable amplifier.

This amplifier is both user-friendly and self-monitoring. It is designed to safely withstand up to 240 W of reflected power, up to 100 milliseconds of drive spikes (RF “tails” after a PTT or KEY release), and even operator tuning errors. It is also capable of operating at more than half its designed output power at only 75% of nominal line (mains) voltage. Because it can tolerate deep voltage drops (down to zero for 10 milliseconds) and 15% line voltage spikes, it is particularly suited for use in portable environments, such as field days and DXpeditions.

Antenna selection.

Two antenna outputs are selectable on the front panel of the amplifier.

Efficient tuning.

Antenna matching can be achieved in less than 10 seconds and at a quarter of nominal output power, which produces lower risk of interference to other stations and greater safety to the amplifier components.


The amplifier operates without special signaling from the transceiver; it needs only “ground on TX” and 60 W RF drive power to operate at full output power.

Single tube operation.

A single Svetlana 4CX800A (GU74B) high-performance ceramic-metal tetrode with plate dissipation of 800W (forced air cooling, grid-driven) is used for maximum efficiency.

Permanent monitoring and protection of the plate and grids currents.

The Bias Optimizer minimizes heat dissipated by the tube, assuring tube longevity.

High voltage protection.

Design of the high-voltage power supply eliminates the danger of turn-on transients affecting sensitive devices connected to the same line (mains) circuit. Moreover, the amplifier can be configured to accommodate any of 8 nominal line voltages between 100 and 240 V, 50 or 60 Hz.

Band inclusion.

The amplifier can be shipped with 10 and 12-meter capability disabled as required by the Federal Communications Commission (FCC), for United States users


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Acom 1010 Operating Manual
Acom 1010 Operating Manual
Acom 1010 operating manual in english PDF File...

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acom-1010The latest ACOM1010, budget 160-10m small and lightweight linear amplifier, for fixed or DXpedition and Field Day operations. Specifications: Frequency Coverage: All amateur bands in the 1.8-29.7MHz frequency range; Power Output: 700 W PEP or 500 W continuous carrier. Intermodulation Distortion: Better than 35 dB below rated output. Hum...

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