ACOM 1000


The ACOM 1000 HF Linear Amplifier is one of  the world’s best value in an amateur HF amplifier. The ACOM 1000 gives you a comfortable 1000 watts output on all amateur bands from 160 through 6 meters.

No antenna tuner required.

Main Features

Frequency Coverage: All amateur bands 1.8-54MHz;
Power Output: 1000W PEP or continuous carrier, no mode limit.
Intermodulation Distortion: Better than 35dB below rated output.
Hum and noise: Better than 40dB below rated output.
Harmonic Output Suppression:
1.8-29.7MHz – better than 50dB below rated output;
50-54MHz – better than 66dB below rated output.
Input and Output Impedances:
nominal value: 50 Ohm unbalanced, UHF (SO239) type connectors;
input circuit: broadband, VSWR less than 1.3:1, 1.8-54MHz continuously (no tunings, no switching);
bypass path VSWR less than 1.1:1, 1.8-54MHz continuously;
output matching capability: better than VSWR 3:1 or greater at reduced output levels.
RF Gain: 12.5dB typically, frequency response less than 1dB (50 to 60W drive power for rated output).
Primary Power: 170-264V (200, 210, 220, 230 & 240V  nominal taps, 100, 110 & 120V taps on request,  +10%-15%tol.), 50-60Hz, single phase, 2000VA consumption at rated output.

Complies with CE safety and EMC requirements, as well as FCC-regulations (6,10 & 12m bands lock provided)

Size & Weight (operating):
WxDxH: 422x355x182mm, 22kg.
(16.6x14x7.2 inches, 48.5lbs)

Operating environments:
temperature range: 0…+50 degs.Celsius;
humidity: up to 75% @ +35 degs.Celsius.
height: up to 3000m above sea level without output deterioration

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acom1000The ACOM 1000 HF Linear Amplifier is one of  the world's best value in an amateur HF amplifier. The ACOM 1000 gives you a comfortable 1000 watts output on all amateur bands from 160 through 6 meters.No antenna tuner required.Main FeaturesFrequency Coverage: All amateur bands 1.8-54MHz; Power...

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