The best new links of the last week reviewed on The
A home made vertical polarized moxon antenna for 144 MHz, includes dimensions, antenna pattern, SWR and antenna gain plots by WB5CXC
The EggBeater Antenna web page by ON6WG F5VIF a web site dedicate to this VHF UHF antenna
A simple simple sweep generator circuit design where the sawtooth is generated by the PNP transistor and a 555
Notes about generating RF sweep signals on the Arduino for filter testing, a digital version of the old Wobbulator concept
If you have been hearing something that sounds like music on the HF bands laterly, it may not be your imagination, QST Article by WB8IMY at ZS6WR web site
Wiring Color Code and Pinouts for IC-706MkIIG and HM-103 Mic
Using DX4WIN with ICOM radios and the ICOM PW-1 RF power amplifier
Configuring dxlab commander to properly control the Icom PW-1 power amplifier