The best new links of the last week reviewed on The
This antenna project came out very nice. It's a rugged homebrew multi-band trap vertical antenna that works the 10, 15, and 20 meter amateur radio bands. The antenna can be mounted on the ground or on a mast. Mounted on the ground the antenna has a low take off angle for working DX. If mounted on a mast the antenna will acheive both a low angle as well as another radiation lobe that has a much higher take off angle.
Intended for portable long-term usage and also good for Field Day Events article by By Steve KB1DIG & Kim KB1GTR
There are many many abbreviations used for words on CW, ranging from commonly used abbreviations like B4 for Before or TU for Thank You to very obscure abbreviations known only to the one using them.
A Picaxe Morse Code keyer project with source code and links to useful resources by K6ACJ
Smith is a professional Computer Smith-Chart Tool and S-Parameter Plot for windows, special price for hams and students by Fritz Dellsperger
This website is in place to convey the importance of 14.300 MHz as a frequency of recognition
A member of the 14.300 mHz net family, goal is to provide a means of emergency communications, to handle third party traffic and information between individuals, to promote goodwill and friendly relations among radio operators.
The Groupe Radio VE2RMP Radio Group was formed in 2005 to support local repeaters