The best new links of the last week reviewed on The
An easy to build single wire antenna for 160 and 80 meters with a better than 2 to 1 swr across the 80 meter band
This 2 meter 3 element cubical quad antenna is small, light weight and portable. A backpack antenna that is easy to put together in just minutes and parts store inside the boom making it ready for travel or storage.
A club project experiment about a vertical Moxon antenna for 20 meter band
The Classic Multiband Dipole Antenna QST article. The open-wire feed line dipole antenna is easy to install and offers surprising performance on several bands. You can install it in almost any configuration; it does not have to be strung in the traditional horizontal flat top
A short vertical antenna for 80 meters band
A Resonant FeeD line (RFD) antenna for 7 MHz prohect tested and tuned.
Resonant Feedline Dipoles for 4m and 2m
A post about the construction and measurements of a Resonant Feedline Dipole cut for the 10M band
If you have just bought a new D-STAR radio, have read all the instruction, know how it works but are not too sure of what and how much you can do with your radio, this guide can help you understanding the basics of how to operate in D-STAR mode.
An international team will activate amateur radio DXpedition station VK9WA from Willis Islets November 12-21, 2015