Best links of the week 3 2016

Best new links of the past week

Inside DXZoneBest Links of the WeekBest links of the week 3 2016

VHF Big Wheel Antenna
VHF Big Wheel Antenna
A popular 2 meter antenna returns in an improved, easier to reproduce form, 2008 QST article

Raspberry Pi Weather Station
Raspberry Pi Weather Station
A complete DIY Raspberry Pi Weather Station including software, capable to read wind speed, wind direction, rain gauge and with a temperature and humidity sensor along to a camera.

W3EDP Antenna Notes
W3EDP Antenna Notes
Hints for building a W3EDP-Antenna, includes the construction of the 1:4-balun by DK7ZB

FT-857 display problem
FT-857 display problem
Causes and advices on malfunctioning display in the control head of the FT-857, where several scan lines in the dot-matrix display cease to function, so the display seems streaked at places

HamRadioBay - Amateur Radio Market
HamRadioBay – Amateur Radio Market
Online market entirely dedicated to fans of the radio. Sell and buy as auction, fixed price and shop.

Ultra-lightweight Morse code keyer paddle
Ultra-lightweight Morse code keyer paddle
an homemade ultra lightweight Morse code keyer paddle that can be used as a manual straight key

Home Made Paddle Key and Keyer
Home Made Paddle Key and Keyer
Home made twin paddle morse code key designed by Steve Taylor G4EDG.

PC-board iambic CW paddle
PC-board iambic CW paddle
An homemade cw paddle made in a double lever version for iambic keying out of a PC-board and in the same article the homemade Palm Mini-Paddle

Arduino simple signal generator
Arduino simple signal generator
Build a Arduino simple signal generator with an arduino board and some resistor to work as a 8bit DAC

SB-200 Sleeper Tank Mods
SB-200 Sleeper Tank Mods
A Quick Overhaul to the SB-200 Tank Circuit

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