The DXZone best links of the last week reviewed on The DXZone dot com
The original purpose was to provide a radio system that could go anywhere, yet be stored easily in a compact space. This project morphed into a portable radio shack to be used for EMCOMM, Field Days or home base station by K7RFH
The WT0G crazy W dipole, a solution for 160 meter operations
A wide range antenna made from a toy published on a 2010 Radcom article by M0ZSA
Free Android app that tracks and alerts on ISS passes with specified criteria.
This article contains the measurements for building a full wave loop using wire and length of 1/4 Wave Coax Matching Transformer
A review of all possible receiving antennas for top band 160 meters
iOS EchoLink client, this free app will allow licenced ham radio operators to use iPhone, iPad or iPod devices to connect to the echoLink system and connect to repeaters or other echolink users.
Enables every Ham to easily find repeaters across the the World, USA, Canada, Mexico and over 35 other countries, for free and without a network connection using the RepeaterBook Directory.
List of Ham Radio Emergency Items. A list developed to give a starting point that the user can develop his or her own list if items from
Android Echolink client to connect to the echo link network