Construction details of a multiband dipole that can can operate at high power levels, and match its 50-ohm coax feedline without a tuner
An introduction to antennad including a DIY assembly instruction for a A Ground Plane Antenna for NOAA Weather Stations
A basic drawing of a 2 meter quad antenna for 144 MHz
A low-cost SWR meter project based on Arduino that works with AutoCap automatic antenna tuner for magnetic loop antennas
This article describe the principles of baluns when referred to devices used to balance unbalanced systems, like a coax cable and a dipole antenna
Magnetic Loop Antennas for The Radio Operator with Limited Space, a two part series of articles on how to construct a magnetic loop antenna, including directions on selecting high voltage tuning capacitor
Have you searched and searched for a good speaker for your ham radio? That perfect speaker that would let you hear voices through the noise and static without hiss?
A home made dipole antenna for 10m, 6m, 4m bands made with two sections of 450 and 300 Ohm ladder lines, cut to achieve acceptable SWRs on all bands
Amateur radio antennas manufacturer, produce multiband and monoband high performance yagi antennas and vertical antennas based in Poland
This article describes a loop tuning system that automatically keeps a contest-band loops properly adjusted as operator hop around each band, made with Arduino