An early review of the Icom IC-7300 HF + 6M Transceiver includes four videos demonstrating reception on 40 meters band
A presentation about magnetic loop antennas, includes components, differences among small loop and resonant loops, advantages and electrical characteristicsof mag loop antennas
Receive-only loop antennas have some nice response characteristics that make them ideal when used for reception of skywave signals.
Amateur radio speakers for modern amateur radio transceivers
A simple portable antenna for SOTA VHF is described in this article dedicated to portable operations
A portable VHF yagi antenna designed for SOTA operations based on the orignal DK7ZB concept.
This article describes firmware and minimal hardware for encoding and decoding of on-air CW using an terminal/modem based on these controller boards.
A four part article anout a digital rotator controller made with Arduino
Antenna Rotor Control Software for Windows and Linux is a companion project to the arduino rotor controller.