A homemade modification of a G5RV antenna into a ZS6BKW to be able to work on 40, 20, 17, 12, 10 and 6m
Effects and intereferences caused by LED lights in the shack
An exaustive comparison of the two antenna models including antenna Patterns/SWR at 40 ft center height, 27 ft end height ~148 Degree Included Angle
A home made ZS6BKW multiband antenna includes the construction of the plastic support for the ladder line
A simple project for an effective home made band pass filter, designed for the portable field day usage
A shielded broadband (~200 MHz) active loop antenna offers more quiet and relatively less interference reception.
A dual band portable inverted V antenna for 80 and 40 meters band with dimensions for other bands and several assembling instruction
The ZS6BKW antenna evolved from an optimization of the G5RV antenna. The SWR on 80m is too high and the 40 ft ladder line matching section is a little too long on 17m and a little too short on 10m
How repeater works and how to configure your transceiver to work with repeaters
Homebrew UHF VHF portable Yagi-Uda antenna design and construction notes for satellite operations
Shack image courtesy of VK3FMOL