The best new links of the last week reviewed on The
This strange looking antenna is a combination of Coupled-Resonator principle by K9AY and a quarter stubs to achieve low angle radiation pattern. Designed with 4nec2 NEC based antenna modeler and optimizer for 145/220/440MHz bands
An interesting article about low band receive antenna for Urban QTHs
Experiments with an 80 meter Inverted L Quarter wave antenna
This 40 meter Inverted V antenna was tested and tuned at a height of 35 feet and proved excellent results. The ends of the antenna are about 11 feet above the ground. Article and video available
A 5 element wide spaced yagi for the 20m long path to Europe was installed at ZL6QH, the antenna is fed with a 600 ohm open wire feed line.
A five element quad antenna for 144 MHz DIY Project. This 2 Meter 5 Element Quad antenna was modeled using EZNEC, with a boom from a UHF TV antenna and CPVC pipe for spreaders. Constructed for 146MHz, it exhibits a gain of 10.7dB and an impedance of 75 ohms. Real-world results surpass the HT antenna, reaching over 20 repeaters up to 75 miles away. The design, costing around $10, employs simple tools for assembly.
If your club holds only two-meter ARDF events, you are missing half the fun. There is another international foxhunting band, too.
An home made UHF 7 elements Yagi antenna project
WWSA CW CONTEST second week of June each year.