The best new links of the last week reviewed on The
Large picture of a 2011 amateur radio map with DXCC country list
Also known as G5RV junior the half size G5RV feature reduced dimension and multiband coverage
A large collection of amateur radio maps, including CQ and ITU Zones, a complete set of ham radio Prefix Maps, grid locators and time zones map. An excellent ham radio mapping service.
Crystal radio home made projects by DL2XM
The G5RV JR cover 10-40 meters band a project by PU2OKE
78 Crystal radios projects with pictures schematics and description
Crystal receivers are radio receivers that work without a power supply or batteries. Gallery of some crystal radio projects
Specification of the ICOM IC R7100, VHF UHF Receiver
Windows log software for the popular RD contest, usually held in Australia in mid August.