70 Mhz Antenna
70 Mhz antennas
Site Listings
4 elements yagi for 70 MHz
4 meter antenna conversion
4m Slim Jim Antenna
5 elements DK7ZB Yagi for 70MHz
6m and 4m Vertical Dipole Antenna updated
7 Element 4M Beam
70 MHz 4m Slim Jin Antenna with Ladder Line
70 MHz Antenna
70 MHz Big Wheel
70 MHz Delta Loop
70 MHz Moxon antenna
70 MHz Yamag Antenna
70Mhz (4 metre) Delta Loop Antenna
70Mhz 5 element yagi
70MHz Delta Loop Antenna
70MHz Moxon
70MHz Quarter Wave GP Antenna
7elements yagi for 70MHz
A 5-element beam for Four
A centre-fed co-axial dipole for 4-m
A centre-fed co-axial dipole for 4m
A Coax dipole for 4 m
A comparison of commercial 4m verticals
Comparison of 70 Mhz antennas
DK7ZB hentenna
Dualband yagi for 50 70 Mhz
F5DQK Vinecon 6N4
G4CQM Homebrew VHF Yagi antennas
Halo and Stub antenna for 50MHz and 70MHz
Halo antenna for 70Mhz
Hentenna revisited
J-pole for 4m
The 50 MHz DK7ZB Quadlong
The YU7EF 6m and 4m antenna
The YU7EF Duo Band Antenna
Vertical half-wave aerials for 4m
VHF Resonant Feedline Dipoles
VHF Yagi for 6 m 4 m and 2 m
YU7EF Pop 6 & 7 Elements antenna
A portable 4 elements yagi antenna for 70 MHz by yu7ef
Hits: 2019
| Votes: 3 | Rating: 6.33
A Siverrot antenna converter for 70 MHz operations
Hits: 1115
| Votes: 1 | Rating: 10
This 4m Slim Jim Antenna is cheap and easy to build yet it greatly out ...
Hits: 1569
| Votes: 2 | Rating: 5.5
A 5 elements homemade DK7ZB yagi antenna for 4 meters band based on a 50MHz ...
Hits: 1096
| Votes: 2 | Rating: 5.5
The two dipoles are parallel with a distance of 12 cm and are also fed ...
Hits: 319
| Votes: 7 | Rating: 7.43
Build a 7 Element 4M (70MHz) Beam By Paul M1CCZ
Hits: 439
| Votes: 2 | Rating: 8
An experimental slim jim antenna for 70MHz band made with a wireman slotted line ...
By: pa0fri
Hits: 256
| Votes: 1 | Rating: 1
OZ1BXM 70 MHz horizontal dipole antenna
Hits: 3313
| Votes: 5 | Rating: 3.8
A Big Wheel antenna for 4 meters band by OE5MPL
Hits: 1085
| Votes: 1 | Rating: 1
A simple delta loop antenna for the four metre amateur radio band
Hits: 557
| Votes: 7 | Rating: 6.29
A Moxon rectangle antenna for 4m by Ross G6GVI
Hits: 7243
| Votes: 8 | Rating: 6.75
A Yagi Mag antenna for the 4 meters band with NEC and MMANA files plans ...
Hits: 510
| Votes: 1 | Rating: 10
Discover the success story of creating a 4 meter Delta Loop antenna ideal for improving ...
Hits: 75
| Votes: 1 | Rating: 4
Pictures design plan and description of a 5 element yagi antenna for the 4 meters ...
Hits: 541
| Votes: 3 | Rating: 6.33
A delta loop antenna for the 4 meter band by GW7AAV
Hits: 1273
| Votes: 7 | Rating: 7.29
A Moxon rectangle antenna for 4m by G6GVI
Hits: 751
A homemade quarter wave ground plane anntenna for 4 meters band.
By: m0ukd
Hits: 110
Various Yagi antennas for 70 Mhz band
Hits: 5249
| Votes: 18 | Rating: 7.28
7ele homemade DK7ZB yagi for 70MHz
Hits: 1105
5 element antenna with which G0JJL has worked lots of EU crossband and won the ...
Hits: 1111
This design has the following advantages low cost components Easy to set up nothing to ...
Hits: 564
| Votes: 1 | Rating: 10
Easy to setup dipole antenna for 4 meters band by Tony Hawker G4CJZ
Hits: 6645
| Votes: 14 | Rating: 5.78
This center fed coaxial dipole for 4 mters feature low cost components Easy to set ...
Hits: 563
| Votes: 2 | Rating: 5.5
Ian Hogan G6TGO has recently tried out two different commercially built vertical aerials for 4m ...
Hits: 1138
Comparison of 50 and 70 Mhz antennas, commercial and home made projects
Hits: 1396
Descriptions for 144-MHz- , 70 MHz- and 50-MHz-Reflector-Hentennas
Hits: 3754
| Votes: 24 | Rating: 8.66
PA5DD version of the dual band yagi antenna for 50 and 70 Mhz
Hits: 2246
A dual band antenna for 50Mhz and 70Mhz with lots of pictures and diagrams by ...
Hits: 1589
| Votes: 3 | Rating: 3
Homebrew VHF Yagi 50MHz 144MHz 432MHz 1296MHz 2320MHz 6M 2M 70CM 23CM 13CM Yagis ...
By: Derek Hilleard
Hits: 21508
| Votes: 104 | Rating: 8.46
Omni directional mixed polarisation antenna for 50MHz 70MHz This is a simple Halo and Stub ...
Hits: 137
| Votes: 1 | Rating: 9
Halo antenna for 4 meters band with dimensions, pictures and assembling instructions
Hits: 5690
| Votes: 9 | Rating: 8.03
Developed by Japanese 6 Meter Hams in the 1970 s can be designed and built ...
Hits: 2143
70 MHz jpole half wave antenna by G7OGQ and G8CVF
Hits: 1019
| Votes: 1 | Rating: 8
The Quadlong antenna for the six meter band This antenna feature a total gain of ...
Hits: 1445
| Votes: 27 | Rating: 9.04
Realization of the YU7EF 6m 6elm and 4m 7elm duo band antenna on a 6m ...
Hits: 1728
| Votes: 2 | Rating: 4.5
The original project of a dual band yagi antenna for 50 and 70 mhz published ...
Hits: 1218
| Votes: 1 | Rating: 9
Practical designs pictures and alternative design of antennas for 70 Mhz by Ross Wilkinson G0WJR ...
Hits: 8501
| Votes: 17 | Rating: 4.88
Resonant Feedline Dipoles for 4m and 2m
Hits: 1233
Triband DK7ZB VHF Yagi antenna for 6 m 4 m and 2 m with a ...
Hits: 1226
| Votes: 5 | Rating: 5.8
YU7EF Pop 6 elm for 50Mhz and 7elm for 70Mhz a 4 6m douband with ...
Hits: 2312
| Votes: 3 | Rating: 7.67