Antenna theory, basics,design antenna
Site Listings
Why an Antenna Radiates
Why Are Antennas Built to Look Like They Do?
Why does ice on a wire dipole affect the SWR?
Why Radials ?
Why Vertical Antennas?
Windom over a House Roof
Yagi Antenna Design by G4CQM
Zeppelin aerials
How antenna works by ARRL
Hits: 14812
| Votes: 40 | Rating: 6.53
Basic anctenna theory, general information on antennas
Hits: 423
Effects of ice an snow in a wire dipole antennas
By: ham.stackexchange
Hits: 338
| Votes: 1 | Rating: 1
Butternut article on radials usage on vertical and ground plane antennas
By: Butternut
Hits: 963
K2KW notes on verticals antennas
Hits: 337
| Votes: 1 | Rating: 10
Experimenting OCF and dipole wire antennas over house roof Effects of roofs on wire antennas ...
Hits: 489
A selection of technical articles and analysis offering guidance and insight to enable you to ...
Hits: 122
| Votes: 1 | Rating: 10
Zeppelin Antenna notes historical references and a description of the classic Zeppelin antenna how current ...
Hits: 173
| Votes: 3 | Rating: 7