VHF Radios
VHF UHF Trasceivers handhelds
Site Listings
Baofeng UV-B6 Handheld Radio Review
Amateur ( HAM )Radios Comparison Charts
Enhancements in UV-K5 HF Fullband Reception
How to use Baofeng UV-B5 flash light switch for LCD background light
IcomV85 Group
Kenwood TH-F7E vs Icom IC-E90
Yaesu VX-1r considerations
Your First HT
Review of Baofeng UV B6 handheld 2m and 70cm radio Includes a video guide information ...
By: Pete M0PSX
Hits: 271
Comparison chart of most popular VHF UHF amateur radio transceivers
Hits: 4430
| Votes: 4 | Rating: 7.75
The UV K5 HF Fullband receive firmware version 0 3 introduces enhanced SSB capabilities using ...
Hits: 60
Baofeng UV B5 LCD background light is turned on only when some keys are pressed ...
Hits: 297
| Votes: 1 | Rating: 10
For owners or potential owners of the Icom IC-V85 Handheld Transceiver.
By: Sean
Hits: 879
| Votes: 1 | Rating: 3
Comparing the TH-F7E with the Icom IC-E90
Hits: 1770
| Votes: 4 | Rating: 8.5
Technical considerations about the Yaesu VX-1
Hits: 426
| Votes: 1 | Rating: 6
Choosing your first handheld transceiver by Terry Lines KD5RA PDF file
Hits: 1527
| Votes: 7 | Rating: 8