QRP CW Transceiver
QRP CW trasceivers projects
Site Listings
40 meters QRP CW RTX
17 meter QRP Transmitter
20m CW QRP Transceiver
20m CW Transceiver
2N2/20 CW Transceiver
2N2/30 30m QRP Trasceiver
30 Meter CW Rig
30m CW transceiver
30m CW-Transceiver
40 meter QRP Transceiver
40 Meter QRP Transmitter
40 Meters QRP AM/CW transmitter
40 QRP CW Transceiver
40m CW QRPp/QRP transceiver
500mw CW Transmitter
50MHz SSB/CW Transceiver
5W CW Transceiver From QRP Labs
6m SSB & CW QRP transceiver
6m SSB/CW transceiver
7 MHz QRP transmitter
80 meter Ceramic Resonator VXO CW Transmitter
80 meter CW RTX
80 meters cw transceiver
80m CW QRP transmitter
80m FETer QRPp CW transceiver
80m QRP CW Tranceiver
80m SSB & CW transceiver
80m XBM80-2 QRP CW transceiver
A CW QRP Transceiver for 20 m band
A CW TX for 80 meters band
A simple 40m CW TX
Build a Tuna-Tin 2
CW RTX for 10m
CW transmitter on 40 m by VU2VWN
DSB/CW QRP rig for 20 and 40 mt.
Elecraft KX1 Build
Homebrew 30m CW Transceiver
Homebrew 40m CW Transceiver
KERO KERO CW 80M Transceiver
Mini Tuna
MOuSeFET CW Transmitter Page
Oak Hills Research QRP 20/40 Transciever
Portable 40m CW Transceiver
QRP 20m Transmitter
QRP AM CW transmitter
QRP Transceiver for 15m
QRP Transceiver for 3.5 Mhz
QRP transmitter with VXO
RockMite QRPp Rig
Send Morse on your VHF FM rig
Super-QRP CW Transmitter
TenTec 1300-Series
The Duet CW RTX
The MultiPig Kit
The Rock-Mite CW Kit
The ROSE 80 CW Transceiver
The ROSE 80 CW Transceiver
Toaster transceiver
XBM80-2 An Experimental 80m CW Transceiver
This is the schematic of asolid-state 7 MHz QRP CW transmitter by VU2NAN
By: Nanda Kumar S
Hits: 1105
| Votes: 2 | Rating: 8
1 watt 17 meter cw transmitter that was originally done about 10 years ago as ...
Hits: 133
A pocket sized CW transceiver for 20 and 30 meters band
By: S57NAN
Hits: 1450
| Votes: 1 | Rating: 10
Homebrew 20m CW transceiver by MINOWA, Makoto
Hits: 2975
| Votes: 4 | Rating: 4.5
2N2/20 - A 20 Meter, Discrete Component CW Transceiver Built Manhattan-style
Hits: 374
A 30 Meter, Discrete Component CW Transceiver Built Manhattan-style
Hits: 290
PRC-38S Combat Ready 30 Meter CW Rig Steve Yates - AA5TB
Hits: 1181
| Votes: 1 | Rating: 9
NN1G 30m 1W QRP transceiver by AA5TB
Hits: 1173
GM47: Simple 30m Band QRP CW-Transceiver
Hits: 1263
This semi homebrew QRP low power CW transceiver is based on the ARK 40 transceiver ...
Hits: 9526
| Votes: 7 | Rating: 6.85
A simple 40 meter CW transmitter it sports full break in operation and 250 mW ...
Hits: 1944
| Votes: 1 | Rating: 2
VU2VWN project to homebrew a CW for 40 meters band
Hits: 2297
| Votes: 1 | Rating: 1
Amateur Radio (G3TXQ) - Malta 40 QRP CW Transceiver
Hits: 1814
| Votes: 1 | Rating: 1
A pocket-sized homebrew 40m CW QRPp/QRP transceiver
Hits: 204
A very quick and easy way to get on the air is to build a ...
Hits: 9575
| Votes: 9 | Rating: 5.78
A SSB CW transceiver for six meters band with schematic and block diagram
Hits: 1428
| Votes: 3 | Rating: 4
The QCX 5W CW Transceiver From QRP Labs a detailed article describing from the unboxing ...
Hits: 290
Block diagram schematics pcb layout and pictures of a CW QRP transceiver for 50 Mhz ...
Hits: 5114
| Votes: 8 | Rating: 3.75
Building a SSB & CW QRP transceiver for 50 Mhz
Hits: 10872
| Votes: 14 | Rating: 4.57
A 40 meter QRP - Transceiver by DL5NEG
Hits: 616
Frequency agile 80 metre CW QRP transmitter Ceramic resonators vary in the frequency shift obtainable ...
Hits: 233
| Votes: 1 | Rating: 1
An home made cw transceiver by PA2OHH
Hits: 994
| Votes: 1 | Rating: 9
The home made transceiver covers 3 5 to 3 6 MHz and is CW only ...
Hits: 4478
| Votes: 4 | Rating: 7
80 metre ceramic resonator VXO CW Transmitter by VK1PK
Hits: 2327
| Votes: 1 | Rating: 10
An home made FETer QRP transceiver for the 80 meters band
Hits: 718
Crystal-controlled QRP tranceiver by F6BCU for 80 meters band 1W output
Hits: 1283
| Votes: 2 | Rating: 5.5
The 80m SSB CW transceiver design is based on an already proven concept used in ...
Hits: 10802
| Votes: 16 | Rating: 5.19
An 80m transceiver using just 14 parts plus crystal and earpiece
Hits: 743
The little QRP presented in this article may be built in a gradual manner it ...
Hits: 1630
This simple circuit will give about 1 2 Watts of output when powered from a ...
Hits: 1734
| Votes: 1 | Rating: 10
An home made transmitter for 40m CW
Hits: 736
Original Tuna-Tin 2 QRP CW transceiver article by W1CER
Hits: 1478
| Votes: 1 | Rating: 1
2 transistor transceiver for 28MHz CW
Hits: 925
Vasantha VU2VWN VFO controlled 40m Tansmitter schematics
Hits: 569
| Votes: 1 | Rating: 10
An experimental DSB/CW QRP rig for 20 and 40 meter bands
Hits: 1415
| Votes: 1 | Rating: 10
Assembling the Elecraft KX1 Portable CW Transceiver Kit
Hits: 524
| Votes: 1 | Rating: 10
10.100 - 10.140 MHz 3 Watts output by 7n3wvm
Hits: 933
7N3WVM homebrew project of a 3 W output CW transceiver on 7 MHz band ...
Hits: 1491
Schematic diagram to build a homemade 80m CW transceiver
By: kerokero
Hits: 536
A simple transmitter built into a small cat food tin It consists of a single ...
Hits: 337
| Votes: 3 | Rating: 5.33
Original article was in December, 1986 QST
Hits: 589
| Votes: 1 | Rating: 4
QRP CW transceiver Kit for 20 or 40 meter band by OKA Hills Research assembly ...
By: W6OT
Hits: 409
| Votes: 1 | Rating: 6
Homemade portable transceiver for the 40 meters band.
Hits: 75
| Votes: 1 | Rating: 1
The 1 watt 20 meter QRP transmitter with VXO This is a nice QRP transmitter ...
By: Electronics DIY
Hits: 158
A simple low power broadcast type circuit using a crystal oscillator integrated circuit and an ...
Hits: 1101
| Votes: 3 | Rating: 6
This is a CW 1W transceiver with only three transistor The author has been able ...
Hits: 92
A QRP transceiver for 80 meters band by W1FB
Hits: 1512
| Votes: 1 | Rating: 10
This is a nice 1 W QRP transmitter that can be used in combination of ...
Hits: 1488
| Votes: 1 | Rating: 1
SWL RockMite 40 CW Transceiver Built by WY3A
By: WY3A
Hits: 386
A device to allow the transmission of Morse on VHF UHF FM only transceivers by ...
Hits: 510
| Votes: 1 | Rating: 6
A circuit for a 5 milliwatts super QRP morse code transceiver by VE2ZAZ
Hits: 1020
TenTec 1300-Series QRP CW Transceiver Kits
Hits: 530
Design for a dual-band CW transceiver using the AD9834 Direct Digital Synthesizer
Hits: 847
MultiPig+ CW Transceiver Kit Construction
Hits: 537
The Rock Mite is a 40m CW kit offered by Small Wonder Labs It features ...
Hits: 1162
Build a 5 watt, 80 meter QRP CW Transceiver Designed by N1HFX
Hits: 3042
| Votes: 2 | Rating: 5.5
Build a 5 watt, 80 meter QRP CW Transceiver
Hits: 1101
A 2W 80 meters transceiver assembled into a toaster case.
Hits: 1568
| Votes: 3 | Rating: 8
This is an experimental CW transceiver for 80m although the same idea will work on ...
Hits: 1186
| Votes: 2 | Rating: 5.5