Best Links of the Week
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The Best Amateur Radio Links of 2017
A collection of the top 30 amateur radio links we reviewed and added to our links directory during the 2017
Top Amateur Radio links of the week Issue 1736
Testing Dipole vs Indoor Magnetic Loop Antenna, Morse Pilot - Learn morse code, A cool KW linear amplifier for 50 MHz, PilotMorse Morse Code Tutor for Aviation, VK9CZ Cocos Keeling Islands DXpedition, 3C1L Log, VK9CZ Log, Z-match ATU covering 160m - 10m, TYT MD-2017 Charger Mod, TYT MD-2017 Review, AutoEZ, KF7P Metalwerks, TYT Electronics
Top Amateur Radio links of the week Issue 1735
Efficiency of the Z Match, The Z Match Using a Toroidal Core Coil, NVIS Propagation, To the Moon and back: reflecting a radio signal to calculate the distance , Popular Matching Networks, Radio Attic, ZD7BR St Helena DX Pedition 2017
Top Amateur Radio links of the week Issue 1734
Horizontal Loop Antenna Experiments, Interfacing HAM radio, NVIS: Near Vertical Incidence Skywave, Near vertical incidence skywave - wikipedia, 3C1L Equatorial Guinea - 3C0L Annobon DX Pedition, S21 Bangladesh IOTA DXPedition, Six Meter Quad Turnstile Antenna, YagiCAD, Sounds of Meteors, The Raspberry OscilloPhone, Indianapolis Police Scanner
Top Amateur Radio links of the week Issue 1733
Breadboard Radio, Diamond CP22E Review, 3 Element Yagi for 40 Meters , Knightlites QRP Association , NAQCC,40m Vertical End-Fed Antenna, VHF-UHF Diplexer, Morgain 80-160, Morgain 40 80, Frame Antenna for 80m, Sangean ATS-505 Review
Top Amateur Radio links of the week Issue 1732
Morgain 40-80 by IM0JZJ, Morgain Antenna, the old lady, DC Distribution Box Project, Trapped Dipole for 12 and 17 Meters, M0NWK Amateur radio blog by Adrian Leggett, Live DX Cluster M0NWK, ICOM IC-R72E Review, Wellington Scanner Frequencies - New Zealand
Top Amateur Radio links of the week Issue 1731
HF multi-band Delta loop antenna, 4 Element Yagi for 18 MHz, Bazooka Antenne, Antenne double-bazooka, Bazooka-Dipol, K9AY Loops, Polarization Rotator for EME, Antenna Safety - Elevated Work Platforms, - Morse Code Podcast,
Top Amateur Radio links of the week Issue 1729
Shortened EFHW Antenna 80-10m, How Common Mode Chokes Work, Multiband trapped end fed antenna, RF Safety at Field Day, WSJT-X, Yaesu Mark V FT 1000 MP, Adventure Radio Society
The DXZone
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