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Top Amateur Radio links of the week Issue 1717

J-Pole Calculator, Digital Modes Software Review, UI-View32 & UISS easy guide, Introduction to APRS, Cavity antennas, Working ISS using APRS, Homemade microwave spectrum analyzer, ICOM ID-880H Review, DStar - Digital Smart Technologies for Amateur Radio, Cavity Backed Antenna

Top Amateur Radio links of the week Issue 1716

VHF Collinear Antenna, WX9DX Quad Antenna, Simple Frequency Counter , Stealth Ham Radio Antenna, W5GRG.NET The Finest in Used Ham Gear, Archery Antenna for 13cm, Cup Dipole Antenna for 13cm, Icom 2720H mobile transceiver Review, AD4WX, W0ALX Runestone Amateur Radio Club,

Top Amateur Radio links of the week Issue 1715

1:1 HF Balun, The W3EDP Antenna, 4 to 1 Balun, 4:1 QRO Balun, Small Panel Kits, HamRadioEngineering.com, JT65-DX.com JT65-HF Japanese Edition, Recent, Sperimental Radio - International DX Group, Ham Call Lookup - Windows Phone

Top Amateur Radio links of the week Issue 1714

FIeld Antenna for 40m, Homebrew cavity resonator/duplexer for 2m repeater, Simple Gain Antennas for the Beginner, Trap on Coax Cable, Make Your Own Coax Patch Panel, Fixture for fast assembling VHF Antennas, 2m Yagi for SOTA, VA3TO Programmable Beacon Keyer, Delta Electronics, Accessible Digipan

Top Amateur Radio links of the week Issue 1713

Magnetic Loop Antenna for 40-20m, Rotator Comparison Table, Antenna Tuning Unit using the T-Network approach, 2 Elements Delta Loop for 14 MHz, KX2 Tips and Tweaks , The New Radio Boatanchor Parts, E51LYC North Cook Islands, TETRA Accessories, Baitron Electronics Company Limited - Electronic Components Distributor, A25UK Botswana DXPedition,

Top Amateur Radio links of the week Issue 1712

Solar Powered 12V Ham Radio Station, Noise Canceller Project, Slow Morse, Guide to DMR, IC-7610 Demonstration Videos, Signal Processing on the Arduino, Undestanding TV and Radio interference, Icom IC-7610 official announcement, 30m direct conversion receiver, JT65 Basics,

Top Amateur Radio links of the week Issue 1711

A Homebrew Z-Match Transmatch, Using APRS to Report Weather Observations, Real-time OWF, MUF & maximum NVIS frequency for your QTH, HolyLogger, Ham Radio Go Kit v2.0 , KC901S RF MULTIMETER 3GHz VECTOR ANTENNA ANALYZER, Diode Communications, Anico HamShop, Minos, YU1INO | Radio-amaterski klub Pirot

Top Amateur Radio links of the week Issue 1710

160M antenna for small lots or gardens, 5U5R Log Online, How to construct a multi-band dipole using speaker wire, CW Decoder Project, Arduino Rotator Computer Interface and Controller, Toroids - Some practical considerations, Icom IC7000 Mic Upgrade, Mooncalc.org, EuCW, 9N7EI Nepal,

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