Best Links of the Week
Selection of weekly most popular links
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Best links of the week 40 2016
Ground plane for 144, 222 and 440 MHz, Antenna switch controlled by Arduino Uno, RF Ammeter, Method for getting a wider TX audio transmission from the Kenwood TS-2000, Rack de comunicaciones - EB1AGG Go Box, CB Radio United Kingdom, YAESU FT 450 User Manual, Heath SB-1400, Icom IC-2300H Review, Amphenol RF,
Best links of the week 39 2016
CQmaps - Professional Maps for Amateur Radio, HamShack.Photos, Reverse Beacon Network on live graph, Ham Radio Fonts - Slash Zero and Morse, OEMSEMI-Obsolete Electronic Components Distributor, ACARS Decoder App, QRZ446, Tektronix - Signal Generator, VoxRecorder for iPhone, Dx Groupe Amateur Radio Libre,
Best links of the week 38 2016
Switchable MTFT for Wire-Antennas, Bent Dipoles reference website, UHF Crystal Radio, How to make a HB9CV , Spark Gap Transmitter, pocketVNA - portable Vector Network Analyzer, Learn Morse Code, Ham Radio - QRP, iotamaps - IOTA mapping project, KO4BB's Manual Repository,
Best links of the week 37 2016
A 20 meter Moxon Antenna, Ham Radio Web DX Calendar, Low-Cost WSPR with Raspberry Pi and SDR, Amateur Ham Radio Straight Key - Android App, Proppy Online HF Propagation Prediction, Call Book Log 2.1, SDR as a RFI site survey tool, IU5HIV Maurizio Personal Page , DX IOTA Calendar,
Best links of week 36 2016
W8JK Beam Antenna, Portable Vertical Antenna for 40 and 75, When and Where to Use Baluns, Log periodic 4 elements, 2.4 GHz Sky mini-dish Antenna, HF1 QRP Transceiver Project, 20 Meter Moxon Vertical, Review of the Icom IC-7300, Portable Amateur Radio Operations, Remotino - Remote Monitor,
Best links of the week 35 2016
Modeling the W6NL 40m Moxon, Codes of the World, Umbrella Antenna for 80 Meters, APRS Tracker with Arduino, Yaesu FT857D Mic modification video, Icom 706MKIIG modification for frequency injection, 40 Meter Dipole, Log Periodic Antenna, Morse Code Audio Files, Homebrew Bicone Antenna Project,
Best new links of week 34 2016
Autonomous Satellite Tracker, Arduino TNC, IC-7610 - Icom Announcement, Yaesu FT-8800 Button Mod , Antenna Gain, Digital Speech Decoder, Meteor Scatter Reception on RTL-SDR, Yaesu FT-7800 Service Manual, Mirage BD-35 Manual, Yaesu FT-8800r Antenna
Best links of the week 33 2016
APRS Radio Shield for Arduino, Bluetooth Radio Interface, ATV Handbook, Mirage BD-35 Review, Yaesu FT-8800R Service Manual, Yaesu FT-8800R, Yaesu FT-2800 PA Replacement, FT- 2800M Yaesu Page, Yaesu FTDX3000 Setup for Digital Modes, FTB8800
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