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Best links of the week 32 2016

How to perfectly clean wires in minutes, Yaesu FTDX3000 Review, RaspberryPi WSPR, RM VLA 200 Manual, AX.25 on Arduino, RM VLA 200 schematic, extdigi - APRS Digipeater for Arduino, Yaesu FT-7900E Programming Cable, UI-View APRS-IS Settings, The WhereAVR,

Best links of the week 31 2016

Arduino Power and SWR Meter, Butternut HF9V Installation, Yaesu FT-7800 7900 Mod, How to Design an RF Power Amplifier, Review of the Yaesu FT-7800R, FTDX-3000 Review, Yaesu FTdx3000 DVS-6 Install, Yaesu - FT-8800R Review, RM VLA 200 Reviews, Yaesu FT-2800M Service Manual

Best links of the week 30 2016

Cheap Antennas for LEO Satellites, mcHF QRP transceiver, Yaesu MH-31 Mod, WSJT vs CW, Yaesu FT-7800 Review, Attenuator for Fox Hunting, King Conversions, Airgate, Mirage BD-35, Yaesu FT-7800R Operating Manual

Best links of the week 29 2016

Elevated MP-1 Antenna , ICOM IC-7300 QST Review, Setting Up A Record and Playback System, Trans World Antenna setup, Arduino Beacon , Yaesu FT-8900R Go-Box, Convert power levels between Watts, dBW and dBm, Ham Radio Recording and Playback, IC-7300 and WinLink, Audacity,

Best Links of The Week 28 2016

Elecraft KX2 Go Box, Superantennas MP-1 review, Buddipole vs Wire Dipole on 20m , 10 meter DiPole, FT-857 Porta-Frame, TransWorld TW2010L Review, TW4040 Manual, TW Antennas Assembly , Portable Yagi for 144MHz, Radio Sound Examples

Best links of the week 27 2016

3 band J-Pole Antenna, VHF 10 element Yagi, Three Element Collinear J Pole, Calculate safety distance from your antenna, Pedestrian Portable HF DXing, VHF UHF Jpole, Eliminate RFI from your Speaker, 2m Copper J Pole antenna Video, Home Brew J-Pole Antenna Project, A Look inside D-STAR Modulation

Best links of the week 26 2016

A Modern Directional Power/SWR Meter, A 146- and 445-MHz J-Pole Antenna, Remotely tuned 80-10m Wire Antenna, How to make a low end SWR/ Watt Meter reading PEP power, PZTLog Pro, Yaesu FT-891, PZTLog, A Simple SSB PEP Measuring Procedure, A Brief Treatise on the Decibel, Yaesu FT-101

Best links of week 25 2016

HF Linked Dipole Antenna Calculator, How to convert Server Power Supplies, 80m Limited Space Antenna, Home Built Buddistick Antenna, WiFi Spider Antenna, The Balcony Mounted Magnetic Loop Antenna, Magnetic Loop Antennas, IC-7300 SDR Greatness, Icom 706 modification, Antenna Wire Launcher

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