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Best Links of the Week

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Best links of the week 6 2016

Portable link dipole, An Easy Dual Band VHF UHF Antenna, Antenna Wire Launcher, 5 Element 2M / 70cm Yagi, BP-3 Polish WWII Spy Radio Set, Repairing a 40m Yagi, Go-Box for Emcom, The myth of SWR causing coax radiation, Icom America IC-7300 Page, Icom IC-7300

Best Links of the week 5 2016

20m 40m trapped squid pole antenna, End Fed Long Wire Antenna, Locating RF Interference at HF, 160m - 80m Transmit Vertical, Overview on some SOTA portable antennas, Getting Started with the FM Satellites, Swiss Quad Portabel, DH1PLY, JK Antennas, Making Antenna Insulators, Antenna Insulators for LF-MF

Best Links of the week 4 2016

40m 2 Element Yagi Beam, 2 Element Helical Yagi Beam for 40m, 40 Meters 3 element Wire Yagi , 3 elements Yagi For 50 MHz, Lindenblad Antenna Project, Icom IC-7851 Review, 2 Meters Lindenblad Antenna, ICOM IC-7300 English Manual, 137MHz Turnstile Antenna, Yaesu FT-991 Review,

Best links of the week 3 2016

VHF Big Wheel Antenna, Raspberry Pi Weather Station, W3EDP Antenna Notes, FT-857 display problem, HamRadioBay - Amateur Radio Market, Ultra-lightweight Morse code keyer paddle, Home Made Paddle Key and Keyer, PC-board iambic CW paddle, Arduino simple signal generator, SB-200 Sleeper Tank Mods

Best links of the week 2 2016

Trap construction, Vertical Dipole Array, 1:49 Transformer, PSK Express , A Portable 75/40 Meter NVIS Antenna , N Type connectors over SO-239 at VHF/UHF, Multiband trap antennas, Yaesu FT-857 CAT Controller , SIM PSK 31, CQ machine

Best links of the week 1 2016

W3DZZ Multi-band Antenna 80-40-20-15-10m, Installing a Vertical Antenna Base with no Concrete, A Low Cost Multi Band, The $4 special antenna, Simple 20-40 m Dipole Antenna, Balloon Vertical Omni-Antennas, W3DZZ - a classic dipole heavily modified, , PL-259 vs Type N Connector on 430 MHz, Asymmetrical Hatted Vertical Dipole, W3DZZ - 80 to 10 meter antenna

Best links of the week 51 2015

Phased Delta Loops, Calculating Your Radio Horizon, 40 m Wire 4 Square Vertical Array, Big Signal, Capacitance Meter, 70 MHz Delta Loop, HF Antennas for Beginners - 30 Meters and Below, Radio Review Wouxun KG-UV8D Dual Band HT, Effects of Insertion Loss On Transmitted Power, Wouxun KG-UV8D Programming

Best links of the week 50 2015

A Winning Antenna, RaspberryPi WSPR Beacon, Portable Zero LLC, Wouxun KG-UV8D Cross-Band Repeater, Linear Loaded 40m Dipole, Arduino Yaesu VX8r GPS, CW Tips, Morse Code Translator, MW Loop Source Book, Morse Code Audio Decoder

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