Best Links of the Week
Selection of weekly most popular links
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Best links of the week 16 2015
Mixed Mode Helical Antenna, Paper Clip Dipole Antenna, End fed half wave tuner, Home-brewing weather satellite receiving station, Automatic Band Decoder, A shortened 20m vertical, Tape Measure 2M Beam, 4m Transverter Project, Yaesu VX-8GR Trail Reference Card, 3 Element 12,5 Ohm Yagi for 50 MHz
Best links of the week 15 2016
40 m short vertical, First Impressions of the Icom IC-7300, Magnetic Loop Antennas, Small Loop Antenna Array for HF Reception, Phonema Speakers, A lightweight dipole for 2 m, A lightweight Yagi for 2 m, Arduino CW Terminal, Digital Rotator Controller for Arduino, RotorCraft
Best links of the week 14 2016
QRO No-Tuner Multiband Dipole, A Ground Plane Antenna for NOAA Weather Stations, 2m Quad Antenna, Serial/USB SWR Meter, Antenna Theory : Baluns, Home made High Power Magnetic Loop Antennas, Communication Speakers, A 10-6-4 three band dipole antenna, GXP Antennas, AutoCap Tuner for mag loop Antennas
Best links of the week 13 2016
High Performance 40 Meters Vertical , 40m Magnetic Loop Antenna, Discone Antenna for RTL SDR, FT4JA Online Log, Multimode Interface, Secrets Of Getting a Vertical To Work, 40m Small Loop Antenna, The European HAMNET, Small Transmitting Loop Project, ICOM RS-BA1,
Best links of the week 12 2016
High Power 4:1 Balun, The Mesh Node, IW2NDH Antenna Analyzer, HeyWhatsThat Path, Raspberry Pi Packet BBS, WLAN 802.11b/g Bi-quad antenna, HamNet DB Map, Broadband Hamnet Network, KK6ZLX, Getting Started with HSMM-Mesh
Best Links of the week 11 2016
FT857D - All Band Modification, Basic Inverted V Antenna, Radio Coverage Prediction, CW Skimmer Softrock-based SDR Array, IC-7300: If King Midas was a Ham, Build your own ADS-B Ground Station, Top Band Frequencies, 10 element Yagi WiFi Antenna, VK0EK Log Online, Audio Cables
Best links of the week 10 2016
Wall Loop for 20m, Arduino SWR and Power Meter, Introduction to ICOM 7300, Hexbeam base plate, Coax Stubs and Band Pass Filters, QRP Multi-band EFHW antenna for SOTA, HF 6m 2m SSB CW transceiver , Receiving JT65 with RTL-SDR, FM broadcast bug , Resistor Colour Code
Best links of the week 9 2016
Multiband end fed antennas, Yes, all my Coax Cables are 75 Ohms, Basic Wire Antennas Part I, Homebrew dummy load , RTLSDR Coax Stub, Hexbeam 6 bands antenna, Cheap power supply for the FT-817 , GMRS FRS Frequencies and CTCSS, Understanding TV and Radio Interference, 144 Mhz Stop band TVI filters
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