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Best Links of the Week

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Best links of the week 51 2015

Phased Delta Loops, Calculating Your Radio Horizon, 40 m Wire 4 Square Vertical Array, Big Signal, Capacitance Meter, 70 MHz Delta Loop, HF Antennas for Beginners - 30 Meters and Below, Radio Review Wouxun KG-UV8D Dual Band HT, Effects of Insertion Loss On Transmitted Power, Wouxun KG-UV8D Programming

Best links of the week 50 2015

A Winning Antenna, RaspberryPi WSPR Beacon, Portable Zero LLC, Wouxun KG-UV8D Cross-Band Repeater, Linear Loaded 40m Dipole, Arduino Yaesu VX8r GPS, CW Tips, Morse Code Translator, MW Loop Source Book, Morse Code Audio Decoder

Best Links of the week 49 2015

QSO Map, Center Connector for Dipole Antenna, True Ladder Line and Wire Antennas, The SGC 230 Smartuner, Wouxun KG-UV8D Review, QSOMap.org, CW Interface and Iambic Keyer, The Vibroplex Collector's Page, Icom IC-R20, IC-R20 HF Review

Best links of the week 48 2015

Raspberry Pi WebSDR, A broadband contest antenna for 80m, Installing DX Spider on Raspberry Pi, Raspberry Pi - Remote ham radio, Practical HF Log Periodic Antennas, The HotPaw Morse Code Decoder, Raspberry Pi ISS iGate, R-20 Signal Capture and Analysis, Icom IC-R75 review, Icom IC-R20 discriminator mod

Best links of the week 47 2015

Guanella Current 4:1 Balun, K3LR method of installing a PL259, MagLoop 10-24 Mhz, Decoding West Germany Numbers, 432MHz Low Noise Preamp, Arduino Flex Controller, Locating Power Line Noise, A Remote Morse Key, 10 15 20m Open Sleeve Dipole, Yaesu FT-817 - Noise Blanker improvement,

Best Links of the week 46 2015

7dB VHF Collinear Antenna, Printable Amateur Radio Logbooks, Near-Real-Time MUF Map, Numbers stations OWVL , ICOM IC-R20 Wideband Receiver Review, Spy numbers schedule, First numbers stations, Icom IC-r20 Reviews, Numbers Stations Classification, ICOM IC-R20 Review

Best links of the week 45 2015

A Co-ax Trap Dipole, What Is the Best Antenna Height?, Dipoles and Vs at correct height, The VK3YE Micro 40 DSB Transceiver , Height versus take off angle, A Simple CW interface, MFJ-971 Modification, Ham Amplifier

Best Links of the Week 44 2015

Ham Radio Antenna Installation on a Van, 2 Meter Quad PVC Pipe Antenna, Installing Wire Antennas in trees, Marine VHF Frequencies, Receiving Loop Antenna, VHF Log Periodic Antenna, AM Loop Antenna Calculator, Antenna Europe

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