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Best links of the week 24 2016

Hula Loop MW DX Antenna, The Gamma Match, Portable lightweight link dipole, An Introduction to HF Propagation, A Lightweight Link Dipole, Balun designs, Why does ice on a wire dipole affect the SWR?, Radio Secret Security Service, Getting Started with RTTY/PSK, My LoTW

9 Top HF Portable Antenna Projects

A collection of nine cool homemade portable antennas for HF bands selected among our portable antenna projects for amateur radio

Best links of the week 23 2016

4 Square Antenna Experiences, FT-817 Portable Antenna, A simple 20-40 dipole, Installing a Mobile Rig In a Silverado, YouKits, A centre-fed co-axial dipole for 4-m, SARK-110 Antenna Analyzer, SDR-Radio.com, MNM4SDR, Collins 618F-1A VHF Aircraft Transceiver,

BS7H Scarborough Reef DXpedition

BS7H Scarborough Reef DXpedition video by James Brooks, 9V1YC

DX Patrol SDR Receiver videos

A selection of videos about the DX Patrol SDR Receiver

Best Links of the week 22 2016

A Dual Band VHF/UHF J Pole, IARU R1 HF BandPlan - June 2016, 50 MHz Delta Loop, A 500 Watt HF Dummy Load and Power Meter, Stealthy / Covert Antennas, Portable Field Antenna Kit, VK5JST VHF AERIAL ANALYSER , SPE Electronics, 70 MHz Delta Loop, Hofi,

Make your own Hexbeam Antenna

A great video by N4CCB where he shows a portable hexbeam antenna he recently built, describing the components that are required to build one and three homemade hexbeam antenna projects

Best Links of the Week 21 2016

Remote Antenna Switching, Elecraft KX2 Brochure, Eliminate problems caused by RFI, Broadband hexbeam , 3 Element Delta Loop For 144 MHz, 4 Square K9AY Antenna, Repairing Rotators, Introduction to NBTV, The Tube Thing, Elecraft KX2,

The DXZone

The DXZone is the largest human created and maintained library of web sites dedicated to Amateur Radio, currently lists 20.000+ links organized into 600+ categories and subcategories. Ham Radio operators review new sites every day since 1998, for potential inclusion in the Directory, and to evaluate the best place to list them.

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