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Amateur Radio operators can help save lives in times of crisis

Amateur radio could save lives In this video, part or our DXZone Youtube PlayList, and produced by 23 ABC News, the author underlines the importance...

Baofeng UV-5R On Fire

Extreme testing of a Baofeng UV-5R

Best Links of the week 41 2015

5 Element, 2 Meter Yagi Antenna K3PF Five- Element, 2 Meter Yagi for around $20. This antenna is easy on your wallet and easy to build!A...

7 Cool Halo Antenna Projects You Can Make

Cool Halo antenna projects you can inspire to make you own halo for VHF UHF and even for 10 meters band

Best links of the week 40 2015

Moxon Antenna for 2 meters, WEFAX Frequencies, Connect a Morse key to the Raspberry Pi, Measure Impedence of Coax Cables, Small Wonder Labs SW+40 , UHF Dual Rectangle Antenna, Coaxial Cable Tester, Slim Jim vs J-Pole, 2 meter beam - 7dB, Simple Coax Testing

How to Test Coax Cables

8 ways to test coaxial cables for continuity and check for coax loss

Best links of the week 39 2015

Best new links for week 39 2015

How Yagi Antenna Works

A visual demonstration on how directional antennas radiates by KC2UHB

The DXZone

The DXZone is the largest human created and maintained library of web sites dedicated to Amateur Radio, currently lists 20.000+ links organized into 600+ categories and subcategories. Ham Radio operators review new sites every day since 1998, for potential inclusion in the Directory, and to evaluate the best place to list them.

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