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6 antennas for 6 meters

Six different antenna projects for the Magic Band. Have you ever wanted to play 6 meters ? Try one of these antenna projects for six meters.

Best new links of the week

Phonetic Alphabets of the World, VK3YY Antenna Analyser Project, Low Band DXing from a Small City Lot, Locator map of Europe, Yagi antenna and variations, Improving Surface Wave Antennas , Yaesu MH-31 microphone integrated voice keyer, External Audio Equalizers, Baltimore City Live Police Scanner, VU2NAN Crystal Radio

Amateur Radio Helping Nepal – Video

This video is an effort to show the world how important communications are to the survival and relief of people trapped in a disaster zone. These operators have worked for hours upon hours to pass messages into and out of Nepal.

Best links of the week

Best new links of the week on dxzone.com includes, Arduino automatic antenna tuner, The Loop Skywire, Butternut HF9V Clone, Squalo antenna for 6m, HB9CV for 23cm, Arduino morse keyer, RFI problem on Samsung TV, Arduino Rotator Controller, Conrad, Yagi-Uda the III

9 Amazing Arduino Ham Radio Projects

A selection of the best amateur radio projects based on Arduino. Arduino automated antenna switch, CW Keyer, Automatic Antenna Tuner, RF PWR and SWR Meter, APRS Tracker, Beacon Controller, antenna switch, Rotator Controller, Arduino as an SDR.

Amateur Radio Documentary

The full Version of the Amateur Radio documentary posted on youtube by Bernard Bouchard, an 11 minutes professional video clip that covers all the activities in the world of Amateur Radio. This video was produced by the Amateur Radio Club VE2CWQ / Canwarn-Quebec and is part of the DXZone Youtube Channel

Best links of the week

Best new links of the week

Best links of the week

Best new links of the week

The DXZone

The DXZone is the largest human created and maintained library of web sites dedicated to Amateur Radio, currently lists 20.000+ links organized into 600+ categories and subcategories. Ham Radio operators review new sites every day since 1998, for potential inclusion in the Directory, and to evaluate the best place to list them.

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