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New Kenwood TM-D750A

New model: Kenwood TM-D750A unveiled at Hamvention 2025. The Ultimate Tribander - Driving Connectivity to New Heights in Mobile Communications

Yaesu FTM-150 New Transceiver

New yaesu FTM-150 dual band VHF UHF FM Transceiver featuring 55W VHF and 50W UHF

Icom IC-7760 Review: First Impressions by Difona Communication and WIMO

Two product reviews from Difona Communications and WIMO about the ICOM IC-7760

ICOM IC-7760 HF/50MHz 200W Transceiver

ICOM IC-7760 is a HF/50 MHz 200W SDR transceiver presented at Tokyo Ham Fair in August 2024

Yaesu FTX-1F New product Announcement

Yaesu has announced the FTX-1F, a portable transceiver launching in early 2025. It offers 6W output, 9 hours of operation on HF bands, and covers HF, 50, 144, and 430 MHz. More details coming soon!

PMR-171 SDR HF VHF UHF Transceiver

HF/50MHz/70MHz/VHF/UHF All-mode Portable SDRradio, 100kHz - 2GHz receptions, ham radio bands covering the 160m to 70cm

WOLF HF-VHF-UHF All mode Transceiver

20W 0-750MHz Wolf All Mode DDC/DUC TransceiverWolf Transceiver is a Chinese product based on the open source DDC-DUC SDR project by UA3REO.The RF signal...

Icom Announce ID-50 Compact Digital Dual Bander

The ID-50 is a compact VHF/UHF dual bander with both D-STAR and FM dual modes. Connecting to the D-STAR network, you can call a friend in another city, or other regions around the world with the ID-50. Smart functions such as Band Scope and Picture Sharing function enhance your QSO experience.

The DXZone

The DXZone is the largest human created and maintained library of web sites dedicated to Amateur Radio, currently lists 20.000+ links organized into 600+ categories and subcategories. Ham Radio operators review new sites every day since 1998, for potential inclusion in the Directory, and to evaluate the best place to list them.

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