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Icom IC-DRC1 – New product

Icom Introduce the new IC-DRC1IC-DRC 1 is a digital specified low-power transceiver for the Japanese domestic DCR (Digital Convenience Radio) System. Equiped with a...

INRAD Microphones

INRAD Desk Microphone System is an exciting line of great sounding microphone models. Each INRAD microphone has an attractive stage-style body and a unidirectional cardioid element with unique audio characteristics to accommodate every operator's voice, radio and preferences. INRAD micrpohones can be connected to most popular amateur radio transceivers, including ICOM, Yaesu, Kenwood, FlexRadio, Elecraft, Ten-Tec products.

VisAir HF transceiver DDC/DUC 100W ATU

VisAir HF transceiver DDC/DUC 100W ATU made in Russia - HF DSP Transciever Standalone Digital Up Conversion and Digital Down Conversion.

RSPduo – High performance dual tuner SDR by SDRplay

During the last Dayton Hamvention, SDR Play announced their new high perfomance SDR receiver, the RSPduo,  a 14-bit dual tuner that looks estetically similar...

Kenwood TS-890S HF 50MHz 70MHz Transceiver – New Product

Kenwood TS-890S Annoucement at Dayton Hamvention 2018 the new HF 50MHz 70MHz 100W Transceiver

Yaesu FTDX101D SDR HF 50MHz 70MHz – New Product

Yaesu FTDX101D Annoucement at Dayton Hamvention 2018 the new top class SDR HF/50MHz 100W Transceiver

Yaesu FT-818ND

Yaesu FT-818ND HF VHF UHF All mode portable transceiver

DAV FCA1000 HF+50 MHz Power Amplifier

FCA1000 new Solid State RF Power amplifier for the HF Bands + 50 MHz by DAV

The DXZone

The DXZone is the largest human created and maintained library of web sites dedicated to Amateur Radio, currently lists 20.000+ links organized into 600+ categories and subcategories. Ham Radio operators review new sites every day since 1998, for potential inclusion in the Directory, and to evaluate the best place to list them.

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