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OF9X Santa Claus on the Air

Santa Claus is on the air, join him with your children on HF Bands

Icom announce IC-7300 Shipping Dates

ICOM announce IC-7300 shipping date only for Japan Market and postpone dates for the rest of the world.

New IC-7300 Videos

ICOM Japan rencently published three videos showing the excellent performances real-time spectrum scope of the IC-7300, demonstratig excellent resolution

New Canadian HF Band Plan

RAC has recently published an updated version of the official band plan for HF frequencies, effective December 1st 2015.

SX-2000 QRP HF Transceiver

An excellent homebrew project by IZ7LDG Antonio Ferrulli created during summer 2014. It's a QRP 5W SSB CW HF Transceiver with Touch Screen.

60 Meter – The new band

During the World Radiocommunication Conference 2015 in Geneva, a new world-wide amateur radio allocaton between 5351.5 and 5366.5 kHz has been approved.

Worked All Europe DX Contest RTTY

The Worked All Europe DX Contest RTTY edition, Saturday, Nov 14, 2015, 0000 UTC until Sunday, Nov 15, 2015, 2359 UTC

The DXZone

The DXZone is the largest human created and maintained library of web sites dedicated to Amateur Radio, currently lists 20.000+ links organized into 600+ categories and subcategories. Ham Radio operators review new sites every day since 1998, for potential inclusion in the Directory, and to evaluate the best place to list them.

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