CQ WW DX CW: November 23-24 Starts 00:00:00 UTC Saturday Ends 23:59:59 UTC Sunday
The CQ WW is the largest Amateur Radio competition in the world. Over 35,000 participants take to the airwaves on the last weekend of October with the goal of making as many contacts with as many different DXCC entities and CQ Zones as possible.
GOAL: For amateurs around the world to contact as many other amateurs in as many CQ zones and countries as possible.
BANDS: Six bands only: 1.8, 3.5, 7, 14, 21 and 28 MHz. Observance of established band plans is strongly encouraged.
EXCHANGE: RST report plus CQ Zone number of the station location (e.g., 599 05).
Read all rules in several languages on official CQ World Wide DX Contest Page
TR4W (TR for Windows) is a free and open source log book program for operating in ham radio contests. Based on source code of the TR LOG MS-DOS program, kindly provided by Larry Tyree, N6TR, supports 155 contests and SO2R
LM is a program to edit contest logs afterwards, a so-called contest post processor. With help of LM you can convert row data to many different file formats. Allow a quick input interface, and contest score for several contest. Can import & export a batch of logs and to create result lists.
N1MM Logger+ is one of the most popular contest logging programs for Windows and it is the evolution of the N1MM classic. N1MM Logger plus is fully free to download and to use software featuring automatic CW generation, rotator and radio control, suport for So2R, cluster support, winkeyer interface, import export cabrillo and adif formats and many more features. Download N1MM from the official web site with latest callsign files and updated.