The purpose of this web page is to try to investigate the ICOM IC-746PRO Dead TX problem reported by many radio amateurs through out the world; and unfortunately not properly taken care of by ICOM. If you are the owner of either the ICOM IC-746PRO or the IC-7400 you may already have experienced the Dead TX Issue. If not you may sooner or later.
Hits: 3422 | Votes: 5 | Rating: 9.20
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You will find this resource in just one category on our links directory. The title of the main category is HF Radios and it deals mainly with HF radio modifications, ham radio mods kenwood icom yaesu alinco mods. The resource has been on our site since Friday Jul 29 2005, and it has been viewed 3422 times. So far it received 5 votes for a total score of 9.20/10Last updated: 2010-08-09
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