jLog is a modern Freeware Ham Log program that can run on all major platforms, e.g. Mac OS X, Mac OS, Linux/Unix, Windows, etc. It offers a nice, clean interface and allows efficient entry of QSOs.
Import or Export of data using the standardized ADIF 2 format is possible to easily exchange data with any other decent Log program.
Built-in CW Keyer, CAT control for many popular, rigs, DX Cluster tracking, call lookups
Hits: 14582 | Votes: 18 | Rating: 8.11
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You will find this resource in 3 categories on our links directory. The title of the main category is Contesting and it deals mainly with Contest program for ham radio contesting events, list of contest software. The resource has been on our site since Thursday Nov 2 2006, and it has been viewed 14582 times. So far it received 18 votes for a total score of 8.11/10Last updated: 2024-02-17
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