By Vyacheslav GernyakThis program can be used for statistics of sending QSL. Also it is possible to use her as the help data on DX-ing (DX VIA, ADDRESS MNG, IOTA-ped.)
The information is brought in base delivery of the program on DX via and Address QSL mng from bulletins 425 (with 205 on 858) by US7IB
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You will find this resource in 2 categories on our links directory. The title of the main category is Transverters and it deals mainly with Homebrewing transverters, projects and kits. The resource has been on our site since Thursday Jan 24 2008, and it has been viewed 1108 times. So far it received 1 votes for a total score of 9.00/10Last updated: 2008-02-22
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