By ValeryCoil32 is a free coil inductance calculator, that allows to calculate: single layer and multi layer air core coils, toroidal air core coils, inductors on ferrite rings, in pot core, flat coils on the PCB, and also LC resonance parameters. The program have additional plugins to calculate another kinds of coils.
The application is free for usage and distributing.
Hits: 1591 | Votes: 6 | Rating: 7.00
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You will find this resource in just one category on our links directory. The title of the main category is Circuit Design and it deals mainly with Electronic circuit design and misc. calculators. The resource has been on our site since Sunday Apr 22 2012, and it has been viewed 1591 times. So far it received 6 votes for a total score of 7.00/10Last updated: 2022-09-06
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