NJ2X.COM - Adventure in Amateur Radio
NJ2X is a licensed amateur radio operator (FCC Amateur Extra) who enjoys casting electromagnetic waves into the ether. NJ2X pursues many aspects of the hobby including chasing DX, participating in mini-DX expeditions, building equipment and antennas, and papering his shack walls with ARRL awards. NJ2X dedicates this amateur radio oriented site to helping others who also enjoy the greatest of scientific hobbies. The site is suitable for all readers - families, the young, and the young at heart.
Hits: 301 | Votes: 2 | Rating: 10.00
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You will find this resource in just one category on our links directory. The title of the main category is USA and it deals mainly with Ham radio operators web pages from USA. The resource has been on our site since Wednesday Feb 6 2013, and it has been viewed 301 times. So far it received 2 votes for a total score of 10.00/10Last updated: 2018-09-06
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