40-10 Delta Loop Antenna
By GU3WHNA multi band inverted delta loop antenna project that can be used from 40 to 10 meters band with full details and analysis of antenna performances on each band, document includes EZNec reports and setup pictures
Hits: 17128 | Votes: 55 | Rating: 7.32
Resource Details
You will find this resource in 3 categories on our links directory. The title of the main category is 40 meter Delta Loop Antennas and it deals mainly with Delta loop antenna plans for the 40 meter band. The resource has been on our site since Saturday Dec 19 2015, and it has been viewed 17128 times. So far it received 55 votes for a total score of 7.32/10Last updated: 2024-05-15
Featured Article
This resource has been featured in the following Articles:- 7 Cool Delta Loop Antenna Projects for 40 meters
7 Amazing Delta Loop Antenna projects for the 40 meters band. Homebrew projects with pictures, drawings and models to get inspired for your next 7 MHz antenna. - The 30 Best Ham Radio Links of 2015
The best amateur radio links of 2015. A curation of the 30 most engaged ham radio links published on The DXZone during this year.
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