Quad Loop Antenna for 50 MHz
By KD9EJABuilding A Full-Wave Quad Loop Antenna for 6 Meters. This is an easy antenna to build and the materials cost about $15-20. It exhibits 1.8dB gain over a 1/2-wave dipole. Using an open-wire parallel feedline (commonly called ladder line) with an antenna tuner, it tunes up on the 10m band as a 5/8-wave loop as well
Hits: 215 | Votes: 1 | Rating: 1.00
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You will find this resource in 2 categories on our links directory. The title of the main category is Loop and it deals mainly with Resonant Loop Antennas. The resource has been on our site since Tuesday Nov 23 2021, and it has been viewed 215 times. So far it received 1 votes for a total score of 1.00/10Last updated: 2023-05-31
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