Multi-Band End-Fed Antenna Design for Limited Space
By PA3DWCThis document details the construction of a multi-band end-fed antenna, suitable for situations with limited space for larger antennas. The design utilizes a 1:49 to 1:60 impedance transformer to match a half-wave wire antenna fed at one end. Compared to a traditional dipole, this antenna resembles a highly unbalanced Windom antenna with one very long leg and a virtual short leg. The design eliminates the need for radials but relies on the coax cable shield for grounding. The document recommends using at least 10 meters of coax and installing a common mode filter at the entry point to the shack for improved performance.
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You will find this resource in just one category on our links directory. The title of the main category is End-Fed and it deals mainly with End-Fed Antenna projects and plans. The resource has been on our site since Friday Apr 5 2024, and it has been viewed 139 times. So far it received 1 votes for a total score of 10.00/10Last updated: 2024-06-01
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