Morse Code Defender TX game for Android
By KG9EProtect your radio tower and solar charged battery power supply by sending the correct Morse code transmissions.
Tap out alphanumeric characters in Morse code to prevent your radio station from being destroyed by the Morse code meteor attack!
Meteors may be destroyed in any order.
All levels start with a fully charged battery.
Each DIT uses 1% battery power. Each DAH uses 3% battery power.
Your battery charges at a nominal rate of 1% every 5 seconds, and total charge increases by 1% for every correct Morse code transmission.
In addition, you have two solar panels that each contribute 1% to the battery charge rate. If your solar panels are destroyed, there are no replacements for that game.
When your battery runs low, an SOS prosign bonus appears. Destroy this entity to recharge your battery.
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You will find this resource in 2 categories on our links directory. The title of the main category is Android and it deals mainly with Ham Radio Android Software. The resource has been on our site since Thursday Nov 7 2024, and it has been viewed 30 times. So far no one has rated it yet. Be the first to rate it!Last updated: 2024-11-06
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