HAMIC - The Ham Intelligent Calculator
By GraemeHAMIC, is a program designed to simplify a number of calculations commonly used by HAMs. It is designed for the HAM radio hobbyist, but may be useful to others as well. HAMIC has a simple to use, but powerful graphical interface that allows solving simple circuits such as resistors in series or parallel, or more complex circuits such as L networks or T networks. As well, other calculations such as SWR and reactance conversions are supported. Windows shareware.
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You will find this resource in just one category on our links directory. The title of the main category is Utilities and it deals mainly with Radio Tools and Utilities for amateur radio operators. The resource has been on our site since Saturday Aug 3 2002, and it has been viewed 1779 times. So far it received 2 votes for a total score of 5.50/10Last updated: 2007-05-01
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