IZ0UDF  ESA astronaut Samantha Cristoforetti will leave the earth today at 21.00 UTC from the Baikonur cosmodrome in Kazakhstan.

The ISS was  left “ham-less” since the only two radio amateurs on the International Space Station (ISS) were among three crew members who returned to Earth on November 10.

Samantha will be the sole ham radio operator aboard of the ISS, and she will  take part to the connections with Schools.

Samantha will be Italy’s first female astronaut to go in the space. She will stay aboard of the ISS for five months taking part to the Futura mission.

Samantha’s web site can be used to follow her activity on the space station during her stay in the space.

Hope we can hear you on the air Samantha. Good Luck and 73!

Images courtesy of ESA

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