JOTA 16-18 October 2015

Jamboree On The Air 2015

NewsEventsJOTA 16-18 October 2015

Jamboree on the Air

JOTA is an annual Scouting activity held on the third full weekend in October.

The Origin of JOTA
The event was first held in conjunction with the fiftieth anniversary of Scouting in 1957, and was devised by a radio amateur Les Mitchell G3BHK now SK.


“Little did I think when I drew up the plans and rules for the first event in 1958 that its popularity would increase and spread around the world,” Mitchell reminisced in 2000. “Even more astonishing is the fact that after all this time it still holds its popularity. In fact it has become the largest international Scout event ever.”

JOTA is now considered the largest event scheduled by the WOSM annually.

Every year Amateur radio operators from all over the world participate with over 500,000 Scouts and Guides to teach them about radio and to assist them to contact their fellow Scouts and Guides are also encouraged to send QSL cards.

How to Participate as Amateur Radio Operator?
Contact your local Scout council and see what may already be planned in your area and how you can help.
If nothing is currently planned, you can work with the local scout unit to set up a JOTA station or arrange for visits to your ham shack.
You can also participate just by making QSOs with the many JOTA stations that will be on the air.

JOTA Frequencies – WorldWide

BandSSB (phone)CW (Morse)
80 m3.690 & 3.940 MHz3.570 MHz
40 m7.090 & 7.190 MHz7.030 MHz
20 m14.290 MHz14.060 MHz
17 m18.140 MHz18.080 MHz
15 m21.360 MHz21.140 MHz
12 m24.960 MHz24.910 MHz
10 m28.390 MHz28.180 MHz
6 m50.160 MHz50.160 MHz


JOTA Frequencies – Europe

To avoid a conflict with the Worked All Germany contest, European JOTA stations will be active on these band segments

80 metersCW 3.560-3.800 kHzSSB 3.650-3.700 kHz
40 metersCW 7.040-7.200 kHzSSB 7.080-7.140 kHz
20 metersCW 14.060-14.350 kHzSSB 14.100-14.125 kHZ and 14.280-14.350 kHZ
15 metersSSB 21.350-21.450 kHz
10 metersSSB 28.225-28.400 kHz




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