From the Navassa DX Pedition web site:
1st February 2015

RE: K1N Navassa Island DXpedition

Navassa: Progress being made
The first helicopter flight of the day (the second overall) took off at sunrise this morning. It contained only cargo, health and welfare supplies and no operators. The second flight today has Team Members Gregg W6IZT, John W2GD and Ralph KØIR along with gear. It landed on Navassa at 1800z.

The next (and probably last) flight of the day will include radios and two Team Members Craig K9CT and Lou N2TU.

There is a strong possibility that we will have two or three stations on the air tonight — smack in the middle of Super Bowl XLIX!

The team on the island reports strong winds, very hot temperature, rats as large as cats, scorpions, Black Widow spiders, and some Haitians. Despite all that, progress is being made building the camp infrastructure.

After the last flight today, there will be eight Team Members on the island leaving six still in Jamaica. Our last Team Member George AA7JV and “Electra” remain in port in Jamaica awaiting improving weather.


31 January 2015
Navassa: We’re on the way!

As you know, our plan was to begin helicopter trips this morning as soon as USFWS gave us the go-ahead. We hoped to get in as many as three trips in today.

Because of the presence of a congressional delegation in Guantanamo Bay, Cuba, air services prevented the first of the two Navassa-bound USFWS helicopter flights to take off until 1530z. The first flight carried three of the six USFWS personnel, so the helicopter had to return to Guantanamo Bay and return with the remaining three USFWS people. It’s about an hour each way so all of the above equals delay.

We received the call at 1830z with the OK to start our trips. Our first flight left a few minutes later at 1900z and should land about 2030z. It’s a two-hour round trip between Jamaica and Navassa so we won’t get but one flight completed today.

The first flight contained infrastructure materials and three K1N operators: George N4GRN, Glenn WØGJ and Jerry WB9Z.

Flights will resume at first light tomorrow and we should get most of the material and men ashore tomorrow (Feb 1st). Building the camp will be time-consuming and labor-intensive but we hope be able to get one or two stations on the air tomorrow evening. It will be another day or so before we’re fully operational on all bands.

Because of the weather issues encountered this week by our supply vessel “Electra”, we decided to offload all the MREs, gasoline and water in Jamaica and transport it all via helicopter. More trips, more $$ but in the interest of safety.

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