
Oscilloscope in Amateur Radio

Test Equipment Oscilloscopes

Among all test equipment that a ham radio operator should be capable to use, one has ever attracted the curiosity of many of us: the Oscilloscope.

The Oscilloscope is something that should not miss from any serious repairing desk and is also something that you really need if you want to start your electronic measurements.

Generally speaking the usage of this particular devices can vary from case to case and needs,  and can be applied to several different scenarios.

In our hobby, hams can use an oscilloscope as an RF Signal Monitor, usefull to observe the RF envelope from your transceiver.

You can check  quality of transmission your transceiver is really sending out.

Inside DXZone

Here on DXZone we are collecting many links about  Oscilloscope .

Shopping and Services

You can start from our Test Equipment shopping category where you can locate places to buy oscilloscopes. You can certainly find a local electronic dealer near your home that can properly indicate the best oscilloscope for your needs.

Here you can find all links to most popular Oscilloscope manufacturers including Agilent, Hameg, Iwatsu and many others including those makers that since some years are now taking advantage of PC based solutions to produce PC-Based oscilloscopes.

As stated before, now you can use your own pc to transform it into a powerfull oscilloscope.
Oscilloscope software programs are capable to convert a PC into a dual-trace storage oscilloscope and spectrum analyzer. Typically they uses your computer’s sound card as analog-to-digital converter, presenting a real-time waveform or spectrum of the signal. These programs can also work as audio spectrum analyzers for real-time, FFT, as Frequency counter, as voltmeter, noise and distortion meters, or phase shift meters.

Technical Reference
Within this category we collected links to documentatios, training and beginners guides for those who want to start using an oscilloscope and for those who want to go more in the deep with this kind of test equioment.







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