December 1 kicks off the QST Centennial celebrations.
ARRL starts celebrating the first one hundred years of QST by issuing a Photo Contest.
Between December 1, 2014 and August 1, 2015, ARRL members can submit photos for consideration as possible 2015 QST covers. In addition to having their photos grace QST covers, each winner will receive $250.
QST Reprints
Earlier this year, as part of its centennial celebration, ARRL published two volumes of QST reprints from 1915-2013, the first one dedicated to Ham Radio technology and developments that marked the Amateur Radio’s first century, while the other volume traces the history of receivers, transmitters, antennas, and other station gear through the advertisements.
The popular amateur radio magazine was first published in December 1915, with its first three issues financed by American Radio Relay League founder Hiram Percy Maxim and Clarence D. Tuska.
First issue of QST, consisted of 20 total pages, containing a couple of technical topics, on picturing electro magnetic waves, some operating aids, list of Q codes and abbreviations, ARRL application forms, and news from the association.
Announcement published by editors on first page of QST.
[quote_box_center]QST is published by and at the expense of Hiram Percy Maxim and Clarence D. Tuska.
Its object is to help maintain the organization of the American Radio Relay League and to keep the Amateur Wireless Operators of the country in constant touch with each other.
Every Amateur will help himself and help his fellows by sending in 25 cents for a three months’ trial subscription.[/quote_box_center]
Publication, managed by the QST Publishing Company, was interrupted during World War I, due to the ban of all amateur radio activities by the US government, and come back as a membership subscription model in 1919 with the end of world conflict.

You can read and download the first issue of QST, via the web site.
According to ARRL, today QST is delivered among a 161000 international members, and the publisher declares QST circulation much higher than any other US Amateur Radio magazine.