Six J-Pole Antenna Projects for 50 MHz

Home made projects J-Pole antennas for Six Meter Band

Six Meter J-Pole Antenna Projects

The J-Pole Antenna

The J-Pole antenna, is a popular and easy to build antenna invented and patented by Hans Beggerow in 1909 for use in Zeppelin airships.

The J-pole antenna is an end-fed omnidirectional half-wave antenna that is matched to the feedline by a quarter wave parallel transmission line stub.

6 Meter J-Pole Antenna Projects

Among antennas for six meters band, the J-pole model is one of the easiest to build and tune. We already presented some interesting antenna projects for other bands, like the copper cactus J-Pole antenna or the 9 Simple J Pole Antenna Projects, and we suggest you to have a look to those resources, to get inspired or learn by other hams, some building techniques that can be useful for your own project.

Need more?

The projects featured above, are about mono band j-pole antennas for 50 MHz, but if you want to save space, you can even consolidate your antenna farm, and setup a dual-band, six meter and two meter antennas in a single J-Pole antenna. Some other cool projects are about three band jpole antenna, 50 MHz, 144 MHz and 430 MHz.

SOURCE6m J-pole antenna
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