April 4, 2020 15:00 UTC to April 5, 2020 14:59 UTC
The full set of rules can be found here, some basics are explained below.
In the SP DX Contest, competitors are divided into two groups – Polish stations and foreign stations outside of Poland. Only contacts made between SP and non-SP participants are scored, however all entries should be left in the log. Polish stations report their one-letter province (voivodeship) abbreviation (as shown on the map), while others give their sequential QSO number.
Regarding the contest rules, we would like to remind everyone that using the DX Cluster and spotting networks is permitted in the SP DX Contest in all categories, albeit self-spotting or asking to be spotted is not. Please also note that as of 2017, we have removed the limitation on the number of band/mode changes during a clock hour in all categories.
If you have made any contacts that are outside your declared category (on another band, mode, etc.), please do not delete them from your log, as they will be used for log cross-checking. Also, please do not delete duplicate QSOs from your log. You will not be penalized for any of these.
After the contest, participants should send the station log (in the Cabrillo format) using the link in the upper right-hand corner of this page. Logs sent by e-mail are still accepted, but it is not the recommended way.
Hint: QRP stations – Please do NOT use (transmit) /qrp at the end of your call!
For stations outside of Poland, Super Check Partial (SCP) and province (voivodeship) suggestion files for use by N1MM+ and Win-Test contest logging software have been prepared by Chris SP5KP and are available for download here: N1MM+, Win-Test.
Quick Rules info:
ORGANIZERS: PZK – Polish Amateur Radio Union (Polski Związek Krótkofalowców) in cooperation with the SP DX Club.
OBJECTIVE: For amateurs around the world to contact as many Polish stations in as many provinces of Poland as possible.
Polish stations use the following prefixes: 3Z, HF, SN, SO, SP, SQ. Polish stations contact the rest of the world (except Poland) in as many DXCC entities as possible.
DATE: The first full weekend of April from 15:00 UTC Saturday to 14:59 UTC Sunday.
BANDS: 160, 80, 40, 20, 15 and 10m according to the IARU Band Plan.
MODES: PHONE and CW. Contacts on PHONE and CW with the same station in the MIXED category are counted as separate contacts.
- Polish stations: “CQ CONTEST” on PHONE, or “CQ TEST” on CW;
- Foreign stations “CQ SP”.
- Polish stations send a report, consisting of a signal report (RS or RST) plus the letter of the province designator (e.g., 59 B). The 16 province designators are: B, C, D, F, G, J, K, L, M, O, P, R, S, U, W and Z.
- Foreign stations send a report consisting of a signal report (RS or RST) plus contact number beginning with 001 (e.g., 59 001).